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"Having trouble logingin"

  1. That is so creative of you, Howard ()! I have heard of the Hay diet and I am glad it is working for you It seems so many of these health conditions that involve nerves require lots of trial and error to figure out what it best for the individual. Warmest of wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. Hi, yes I eat as much meat and carbs as I want but keep them separate, Google Hate diet benefits you will be surprised.
    I was at having a discussion with my Consultant before I had a biopsy for a SCC recently and he was interested how I managed P N and Rid
    and the gadgets I use ,showed him the Tusubo and explain how I use it and treat the points above the ankle bone for Rls.
    This is very painful, my neace niece who's a paramedic was complaining about the new to her sensation in her leg I happened to have the Tusubo on me she screamed it hurts, yes it dose.
    These are not available now so I've made one using a £6 vibrator ebay.
    The end cut off and a 1cm steel ball heat glued on which worksTsubo massager

  3. Hi . How awesome that you figured out a possible cause. I hope you continue to feel well with your dietary changes. Are you still earing carbs and protien, but eating them separately or have you eliminated carbs? Unfortunately, nerves can take years to heal if they heal at all, so you are unlikely to see quick changes in you peripheral neuropathy. I hope it improves over time. - Lori (Team Member)

  4. Hi,I think I've got it now.I'm the one on the right of the picture.
    I was diagnosed serious coeliac 1990 had symptom for 20 years before, no improvement fire 5years in that time diagnosed osteoporosis, peripheral neuropathy ,then emergency admission chronic pain ,two days without food had scan,first meal potato and mince the pain came back and sick already new about Haye diet,
    Consultant diagnosed food allergies ,went on Haye diet no problems for 25 years even night time leg cramps which I'd be on quinine tablets forever gone until I started eating French fries with steaks 6 months ago.
    Stopped eating protein with carbs a week ago Rls cramp toilet problems gone for 3 days now but unfortunately not the peripheral neuropathy.
    Cheers Howard.

  5. Hi Howard ()! Your photo is showing up as your profile image for me now. How awesome that you have made it three days now! I would love to hear more about it when you have time. - Lori (Team Member)

  6. Hi Lori yes I've almost got it apart from I cannot see how to get my picture on my profile, I've gone three days now with no Rls I'll post in discussion why.🤔
    Cheers Howard.

  7. Hi Howard ()! Much younger people than you have trouble with technology and lots of people need a little help figuring out how to upload their profile photos. Do you see that icon in the upper right corner that have a generic head and shoulders drawing in it? Click on that. A drop-down menu will appear. Click on "Account Settings." The Account Settings page will appear. You will see a subheading that says "Profile picture" and below that, you will see the generic profile photo icon again. Click on the words "Edit profile picture." You will see a box that says "Click to choose a file." Click on that box and then choose the photo from your computer when prompted. To finish, click on the blue "Upload" button. That should do it! If you have any trouble, let me know. - Lori (Team Member)

  8. Hi,yes I think I've got it now but trying to put my pic in profile.bye the way I'm 80 and not entirely into conversant with this. I have just gone two days without Rls I believe I know why.
    Cheers Howard.My image

  9. Hi . I see you made it in. Do you think you are all set now? - Lori (Team Member)