It all started when I began to have rls around 18, then this developed into ras (restless arms). I've tried everything. I even considered breaking the skin over the affected area to distract my brain. But after quickly realizing that wasn't a viable option, I started to dig. I've been taking Ropinirole (dopamine agonist) which I suppose helped at first, but quickly resulted in many nights of no sleep with worsened symptoms. Which led me to discover there isn't enough melatonin in the world to overpower the stimulating sensation of rls/ras.
Okay, now I know this is going to sound crazy, but I was pretty desperate and I believe this might help someone else like it helped me. Charcoal and peppermint extract toothpaste.... just a small 1"×1" square over the affected area and I noticed immediate relief. Now I know it isn't a permanent solution and doesn't COMPLETELY get rid of symptoms, but it made them manageable. I don't know the science behind it, but I think with such a lack of research surrounding these syndromes would warrant some scientists to at least look into why the charcoal and lavender toothpaste (It sounds crazy, I know) relieved my symptoms... feel free to reach out.