The Devil Demon Dance

I’ve suffered with restless legs for as long as I can remember (I’ll be 68 in a few days). When I was younger I would lay in bed and cry not knowing what was happening to me! I was told time and again that I just needed to work or play a little harder and it wouldn’t happen! And I would do  just that to the point of exhaustion. The pain and anxiety were horrible.

Getting answers and treatment

When I finally was older and talked to a doctor that I was working for he put me on Lortab and it worked beautifully, but we all know what happened there! Finally, I went to a neurologist (due to migraines) and he put me on Mirapex. They also worked great, and to this day I am still on them, but have terrible side effects.

My unique symptoms

My RLS is not only in my legs and doesn’t only happen at bedtime. I also have it in my arms and have had to have extra sedation during outpatient surgery. I had a past experience where my symptoms hit me right before surgery and there was absolutely no way I could lay still.

The reality of multiple diagnoses

After all was said and done I have now been diagnosed with widespread hereditary neuropathy and narcolepsy. There aren't many days or night that me and the Devil Demon RLS don’t do what I call the jerky dance.

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