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I started RLS in 1989.

I started RLS in 1989 it was very mild because I had an Work Accident which injury was my Knee, Lower Back, Shoulder. Had surgery on my Knee, had needle shots in my Spine Back, my shoulder had to go rehab center. Then 10 yrs later I broke my Ankle. Well then the RLS was very strong of during all the time. My Doctor put me on Two med's (Ropinirole HCI 1.0 mg, Gabapentin 400 mg, I was told to buy over the counter an Wrap cloths around my Legs that has leg pumps that is run by Elec, MagniLike Relaxing Leg Cream on both legs before going to bed, my CVS Px Med told me to try Hylands Naturals Restful Legs tabs to see if it works. I'll post on this sit with new changes.

  1. Hi, Mark! Thanks for sharing some of your story with us. You have tried many different remedies ... are you still taking the gabapentin and the ropinirole? I'm curious to hear how the new tabs work for you, too. Take care! -Melissa, team member

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