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Pramipexole (A.K.A Mirapex)

I have been doing some reading on Pramipexole as it's a medication I'm currently taking for my RLS.

I found it interesting that in the first three months of treatment, approximately 60% of patients receiving pramipexole instead of placebo will have at least a 50% reduction in symptoms; however, there is a profound placebo effect, and 42% of patients receiving placebo will also report this reduction. ( )

I was wondering how many of you take Pramipexole or have taken this medication? What are your experiences with it?

  1. Hello. I have been taking Pramipexole for over 17 years. Once I had to stop for three weeks because of augmentation & that was hellish. Currently I take 0.75 late in the day & mostly I can get relief during the night. Unfortunately I am now needing help during daylight hours as I can never relax or travel. I resisted taking it in the day for many years but now I am going to talk to my GP about managing my RLS better. There are so many factions involved in treating RLS aren't there? One is never good for another. I fear the future management of my RLS as I am now 70. It is disturbing that no new drug or remedy is being found. Kaye

    1. Hello Kaye, sorry for the late response back, I haven't been very fatigued and unable to be online for most of November.

      I am sorry to hear that you are starting to experience daytime issues, it really does suck.

      While I am not currently aware of any new medications, there has been a change in the gold standard for treatment. Pramipexole and other dopamine medications used to be the number one medication but now it's Alpha-2-delta calcium channel ligands medications (gabapentin enacarbil, pregabalin, and gabapentin)

      Yes, there are lots of different factors for treating RLS? Have you looked at some of the non-medicine options?

      36 U.S. Representatives signed a letter in support of sleep disorders and sleep health disparities.

      Hope this information helps you.

      ๐Ÿฅ„๐Ÿฆ„ Ray (Team member)

  2. one of worse meds I took. Made RLS worse and heโ€™ll to get off.

    1. Wow, I am so sorry to hear that. It really sucks when medications that are supposed to help you actually end up making things worse.

      ๐Ÿฅ„๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿฆ„ Ray (Team Member)

  3. I was switched to this from Levodopa which I augmented on. It isn't quite as effective for me but it does work. When I say not quite as effective I mean I am left with some symptoms but those symptoms are not painful or aggravating... just weird sensory symptoms.

    1. It feels like a vibration... a mild to moderate electrical vibration. It's bothersome but not nearly as bad or aggravating as full-on RLS.

    2. Thank you so much for answering.

      I was curious because I am experiencing a weird sensation in my head like when I have a flu. My head feels like it's heavy but also floating. I wasn't sure if it's the meds or something else so I thought I would ask in case it's something you are experiencing.

      ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿฆ„ Ray (Team member)

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