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Restless nights

I have RLS. I take 4mg of Ropinirole. It helps me fall asleep but I wake up around 3 am every morning. I can't go back to sleep. My legs has been aching. I try to take naps during the day but my arms start to twitch. So that's a no go on the naps. Any recommendations would be appreciated

  1. I suffered for years wirh rls.
    Became more frequent as the years went on. Tried many different lotions and potions including dry needeling which thought cured it but only lasted a month or 2.
    Im not sure this will cure indefinelty but so far its worked and have had no restless sensations. A cooling or freezing gel applied to the area in question works wonders. You can buy this relatively cheaply and its easily applied. I just had to share this and really hope it finds many sufferers. Fingers crossed it continues to work. Im pretty confident it will

    1. How awesome that you found something that brings you relief! We appreciate you sharing what helps here. How did you figure out that the gel might relieve RLS symptoms? I hope it continues to work. I'm crossing my fingers for you as well! - Lori (Team Member)

  2. Thanks, yes my scoliosis is severe. I am 88 y/o so no I won't be having surgery. I also have old age DDD. I am uncertain about cause and affect but do believe there is a connection because when my back issues are worse RLS is usually also worse. So thanks again for this forum. It is helpful just to read a little from others who understands. Even though my family is supportive RLS is still a lonley illness.

    1. Hi . It's good to have you here. I asked about your back because a few people in this community have reported an absense of RLS symptoms after spinal surgery. I am no medical expert, but the anecdotal evidence alone suggests there are multiple causes for RLS, which would explain why different treatments are effective for different people. I'm glad you are finding relief now though. Know that we are here for you whenever you need us. - Lori (Team Member)

  3. Hello, it's great to find a forum for RLS/PLMD which I have had for 25 years. I have tried many things during those years. One of my problems is that I develop tolerance to everything I try. Meaning it works for a while (few weeks to months) then my body starts accepting it as normal and no longer responds or I get bad side effects. I developed nausea to gabapentin. I could only take Mirapex every 5th day or it would stop working. Pregabalin just put me to sleep for 1-2 hours but didn't stop the sensations/jerking.
    I tried acupuncture last year. It helped for about 6 months then slowly stopped. But I would still recommend trying accupuncture since it does help many.
    I got so desperate that I talked to my primary about opioids. He put me on Ropinirole, which he was surprised I had never tried. It has been helping me for 3 months. I also wake up around 3 am. Then I take several drops of hemp oil tincture sublingual which will give me about one more hour sleep. I have been taking the hemp for about 5 years. It only gives 1-2 hours but that can make a big difference for me.
    If that doesn't stop the sensations/jerking I rub magnesium ointment on my legs. I can't take magnesium orally because it gives me diarrhea. I have to keep getting different brands of the ointment every few months because like everything else each stops working after a few weeks/months. But the internet is full of magnesium ointment options. The magnesium ointment also helps when I get jerking during the day.
    Another thing that helps me is I put a large heating pad on my back but that may help because I have scoliosis which I believe plays some part in my RLS.
    Good luck with your Ropinirole.

    1. Hi . I'm glad Ropinirole is helping and I hope your body doesn't become accustomed to it, like it has to other medications. Is your scoliosis severe? It would be interesting to see whether your RLS symtoms eased should you ever have any kind of corrective surgery on your spine. Thanks for sharing what helps. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

  4. Hi . Have you talked with your doctor about the sleep issues? I wonder whether that's when the Ropinirole is wearing off. - Lori (Team Member)

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