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Cured after 18 years of suffering. Accupuncture worked for me. Happy to discuss any time.

  1. Clanross, how frequently do you have acupuncture treatments? How long does each treatment take?

    1. Hi Robert ( ). I am going to tag here so Clanross sees your question. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. I have a daughter-in-law who is a nurse, now retired, who suggested my looking into Acupuncture. Very interested in reading around this topic here. Just joined from Michigan, Have to learn my way around. Thanks for your remarks, Clanross.

    1. Hi Bob ( ). I can see why you might be nervous about knee replacement. The therapy can be a lot of hard work. Have you consulted with an orthopedic surgeon about it? I have seen a few articles lately about partial knee replacement that have an easier recovery. Could that be an option for you? - Lori (Team Member)

    2. hi Bob! I'm glad you're here with us. It can be so unsettling to deal with a new diagnosis but you're doing the right thing by trying to educate yourself early on. I want to encourage you to do a little trial and error, we have had community members here have success with all kinds of things, some of them quite random. A weighted blanket, a heating pad, numbing cream, walking and exercise, meditation, CBD or THC, sexual activity and all kinds of other things. It's all about figuring out what might work best for you. It's important to go into this process with patience and an open mind.

      As for the particulars of your situation, are you having RLS symptoms in just the one leg or in both? We can't say if your knee injury is a factor, but it certainly doesn't make things easier. We are here to support whatever choices you make in your care. Give us a shout anytime! -Melissa, RLS team

  3. This sounds very interesting and never thought about trying this. I will have to look into this further to see if it might be beneficial for me.

    1. We'd love to hear about it if you try it, . What helps one person might not help another, but there is really no harm in trying accupunture. Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

  4. I love hearing stories like your, . How awesome that accupunture helped and that you are so willing to come here and support others. RLS is different for everyone, so accupunture might not be effective for all, but I hope others get relief from it. How long have you been symptom-free? Best of all wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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