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SIFROL (Pramipexole)

I have taking Sifrol at night timefor 17 years. Had Augmentation once and have come to a point where I need Sifrol during daylight hours. At present I cannot relax or travel. I am currently on 0.75 which I take late afternoon. This helps me to sleep most nights. If I start using it during the day then my dose goes beyond the highest dose allowed & this will most certainly cause augmentation again at some stage. I would like to ask what medications others are using. I have spent many years researching RLS but need to hear how others are managing does etc. Thank you. Kaye

  1. Today my doctor & I discussed how we move forward now that Pramipexole is less effective. Although I have cringed whenever I heard the name Lyrica mentioned it seems I now have few options left. Lyrica ( pregabalin) is an anti seizure drug with a bucket load of side effects. I have agreed with my Dr. to start a very low dose of Lyrica & possibly work upwards to one day being able to reduce the Dopamine drugs. I cannot believe I will put Lyrica into my mouth. It feels very daunting. I will keep you all posted on any side effects that I notice. I start Lyrica on 24/11/2011. Wish my luck. 🥺

    1. Hello! Thank you for keeping us updated. I know it can feel scary trying a new treatment, but it is so great that you took that step. I am certainly wishing you luck and all the best! Yes, we would love to hear any updates 💓 Sending hugs! - Alyssa (Team Member)

  2. Hi there. It's good to hear that you're knowledgeable about how medications can affect you and change over time! It can be so confusing and frustrating to nail down. I'd like to see what others have to say as well, but in the meantime, I'll share a couple of articles on augmentation ( and various prescription medication options ( to get you started. Keep us updated! Warm wishes - Alyssa (Team Member)

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