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Hi me again thank you for the people who replied. I am really concerned about my musle twiching, google is the worst place to go ALS comes up first but then if you put a lump then cancer comes up so I'm trying now to be too concerned, however suffering wirh anxiety it's extremely hard. I've had rls for about 6, maybe 7 years now, so I'm not concerned that's anything other than rls. I am, however, on ropinale which has been a god send however the dose has gone up and up and now I'm on 2ml of which my neurological doctor said its the max dose. I have asked for an alternative and was told thar nothing other than ropinirole works and can be prescribed? Which I find strange as I've read of others. About 6 months ago I started getting muscle twitching in my calves, you can actually see the skin moving and flexing, not nice, not painful but a weird sensation. I was then told it was anxiety of which I do suffer with and prescribed fluxitine and was told don't worry it will settle. Nope still got them although not as anxious. So when I get them the muscle moves, twitches, it's not painful. I've even had them in my thighs recently. I'm not sleeping well, insomnia so could be related. Finally the neurological doctor has arranged for a nerve electric test after me sending lots of begging emails for an answer. In a way I think well he's not concerned so I'm OK or he's just a rubbish doctor. So I'm thinking, it's the ropinirole? My question to you lovely people is
1 anyone had sode effect like muscle twiching after taking this for many years.
2. Or anyone just developed them with thier rls
3. Could it be lack of sleep
I know you are all not doctors but I'm just reaching out to see if this is just another part of rls, I've read it can be I've also read ropinirole can cause it after long term use.
What I don't get is the doctor not swapping me for an alternative drug to rule it out?
I'm trying acupunture today, I really am praying it's one of the above and nothing nasty.
I'm totally besides myself and although I need to know I don't at the same time.
I dont have issues with tripping , lounge etc which can be part of ASL, thing is there are so many things it could be unfortunately Google is doctor death.
Any advise or stories shared would be good to hear, not bad ones please as I'm on the brink as it is.x

  1. I have requested 0.25 tablets managing to reduce from 8 to 6 fornthe last 4 nights so onlybgone down 2 x 0.25 but it's a start and doing is gradual while waiting for hrt and info on which pill is better. What is the one beings with G? Does that work is there any side effects and does it also give arugmentation after long term use been on ropinale for about 4 years 🤔

    1. HI Willow. I don't have any answers, but I wanted to check in and see how acupuncture went. Do you have a date for the nerve conduction tests? Thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

      1. thanks for that I do believe google can help but too be honest with someone who has extreme anxiety and MH issues it's not the best place to look I came on here for help and advise and some kind of reassurance. I am not sure I will be having he nerve test now as my GP has given me reassurance and the only issues I have are extreme rls and the twitching is more likely my extreme anxiety, lack of sleep and menopause. When I look back one twich occurred then I googled and then that was it I was so anxious and convinced myself I was dying of a horrible illness then the twiches multipled. I'm now focused on getting me MH and anxiety right then. The twiches should subsided, I'm told, as I have no other signs of anything sinister. Anxiety can cause alot and google is not good in this respect. Regards to rls, this is a horrible thing to have and unfortunately has a massive impact on MH, due to lack of sleep and constant movement urges, I take comfort that I'm not the only one experiencing this unexplained condition and pray one day someone comes up with the answers. For now we have to stick together and help each other cope with advise and positive feedback and information that it going to make us feel better and less hopeless 😔

      2. Just want to send you a big hug tonight, Willow. I'm glad you are starting to make peace with yourself and the twitches. It takes a lot to release that fear!

        I will share with you that I also deal with the same thing -- mental health issues that can really flare up when I am worried about random physical symptoms, etc. It's not easy, but you are not alone and you are not crazy. Therapy has been a huge help for me in learning to challenge and calm the "alarm bells" in my head and now, most of the time, I'm doing well. 😀 Forgive me if I suggested it already, but speaking with a therapist might be useful for you, too. We are all different, but in my experience it's worth a try. -Melissa, team member

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