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Wrong Diagnosis

About 90 days ago, I began feeling “pins and needles” in my lower left leg, particularly at night. Researching the symptoms, I “self diagnosed “ peripheral neuropathy. I found a routine of exercises for this. As my symptoms continued, I saw my primary doc. He sent me for ultrasounds, prescribed 2 meds and said we would meet virtually in 10 days. He diagnosed RLS. When we met in 10 days, my symptoms were no better. He sent we to a vascular doc who diagnosed varicose veins. I said to him, “ My mother suffered with varicose veins. His response was, “That’s why you have them!” He performed a vein ablation. My leg is 75-80% better. I had another ultrasound and will see him again after Christmas.

  1. It’s great to hear you finally got the correct diagnosis and some relief! It is very reassuring to have doctors that you have trust in.

    Simone (Team Member)

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