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I've tried desvenlafaxine, venlafaxine, and now lexapro. All have given me RLS. If i taper off it goes away but I need medication for my anxiety. Are there any medications for anxiety that won't give me RLS?

  1. Hi . How frustrating to be treated for your anxiety only to develop an entirely different health condition. Have you talked with your psychiatrist about this? There are so many different medications for anxiety that I am sure there must be something else you can try. Desvenlafaxine and venlafaxine are very similar, so it's not surprising that you experienced similar side effects with them. Another great source for drug information is your pharmacist. If you get nowhere with your psychiatrist, you might want to try someone new or get a referral to a neuro psychiatrist. A neuro psychiatrist might be more familiar with the effects of the various anxiety medications on the nervous system. I hope this helps and that you find a treatment that is effective for you with inducing RLS. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. thank you! I will look in to that.

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