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Chameleon legs

I have had RLS since 2002. I spent ten years researching before I publish my book which has gone around the world.
This is not my story though.
It always intrigues me why the 'electric shock sensation' only targets one area of only one leg at a time (for me). If I have an ache on a specific leg area that is where the RLS targets. There is never RLS above the knees and why is that I wonder? Is it targeting the varicose veins that are aching? I do believe varicose veins are also a factor where symptoms can arise. There are also areas in my lower legs where arthritis is painful & the electrical charges always target there. Would anyone have an explanation ?

  1. Hmm, that's a good question. While we wait for some other community members to respond, I thought this article about veins and RLS may be helpful to look over: Congrats on your book - that is an amazing feat! Sending warm wishes your way - Alyssa (Team Member)

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