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Getting to know you

Getting to know all about you🎻🎶
(I like inserting pop culture into things I say/write.)

This thread is a way to get to know everyone in our community a little better.

You may have seen on social media, that sometimes there are monthly challenges to help raise awareness for different diseases. (linking the one I did for the Endo site to better help explain )

I thought I would do one up for our RLS community. You don't have to answer every single question. You can also do your own thing for telling us a bit about yourself.

1) How long have you had RLS?
I was 9 or 10yrs old so that's 25 or 26yrs that I have had RLS.

2) How long have you officially been diagnosed with RLS?
two years

3) What are your main symptoms?
A sensation like the muscles in my leg are constantly tensing up and letting go, causing the need to move. Also an intense pressure at the same time.

4) What medications/treatments do you use?
Pramipexole, magnesium, medical marijuana and heat when the RLS is acting up.

5) What are some hobbies/interests you have: I love taking nature photos, nature walks, listening to the rain, and painting

6) What words would you use to describe life with RLS?
Always got to be mindful

7) Do you have any distractions for when your RLS is bad?
My husband and video games.

8 ) What RLS myth do you dislike the most?
It's just strained muscles

9) Do you have other illnesses?
I have Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, IBS, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, undiagnosed heart issues and maybe more. (Still working to figure it out)

10) Do you have any comforts?
I'll grab my incredibly soft blanket. I also turn to comfort foods like ice cream, chocolate and certain meals like spaghetti, and chili. I also like to talk to my Dad.

11) Favorite place to be?
A region in my province (B.C, Canada) called The Kootenay's. It's a wonderful mountainous area. Fresh air, natural foods and a laid back energy. I thrive so much better there. I sleep better, am able to eat more and go on longer walks even some small hikes. My goal is to live there.Me as bitmoji the more you know

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