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How do you cope with RLS?
If I didn't take Madopar, (for the pain) and Sifrol, (to manage the symptoms), without a word of a lie, I would have been dead 30 years ago. I am now 70 years old. I understand that these two meds are extremely potent, and are taken by patients who suffer with Parkinsons disease. I have been taking Said Meds for over 10 years now, and feel myself to be extremely lucky, to not be able to see augmentation on the horizon.HAPPY AND RELAXED

  1. I am so happy you aren't dead! It's wonderful to hear that there are medications that have finally been able to help you after all that suffering you underwent (I read your beautiful poem!).

    Thank you so much for joining us and sharing such a personal story with us. I hope you don't experience augmentation.

    Wishing you all the best

    🥄🦄 Ray (Team member)

    1. I'm glad you found a solution that worked for you. It's often a matter of trial and error as the doctors work to find our personal solution. I know some of the early medications they put me on were too hard on my body and not right for me. They made my symptoms worse. Originally I had a doctor that did not understand restless legs has no one treatment that works and no ideas for other solutions. It took me a lot if years, but finally someone listened and we found something that works well for me. Best wishes for it continuing to work well for you! Kim (Team Member)

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