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How to relieve RLS

My RLS is keeping my partner awake I've tried everything to relieve the urges to move, but it's now causing a rift in my relationship what do I do

  1. Hi . RLS can certainly be hard on someone who is sharing a bed with you. Another member posted here a few weeks ago, asking about beds that can pull apart on the worst nights that wouldn't require her to use a separate bedroom. Though I didn't find any in my research, I thought of two possibities: a trundle bed (a low bed on wheels that you store under the bed frame of the main bed) or a separate twin bed in the same bedroom that one of you can retreat to when the RLS is especially heightened. The stress of avoiding movement might be making you symptoms worse. Findng a way to stay in the same room without disturbing your partner might help. Are you on a good treatment plan? Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

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