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I've had RLS for years and been on medication which however doesn't prevent flare ups, but helps keep it under control.
I also believe that sugar is a trigger to start sometimes hours of discomfort.
However I do get some relief from a good shower, which I find both beneficial and a relief from this awful affliction.

  1. Hey, Johnny. You're definitely not alone with feeling like sugar is a trigger for you! We have had quite a few articles and discussions come in about this. If you want to check them out, here's a link to our archives:

    I hope that you've had good luck in managing your symptoms. Take care! -Melissa, rls team

    1. this is an excellent resource for finding other articles and discussions regarding sugar being a trigger. Thanks!

  2. Hi Johnny (). I am glad you have found a way to get some relief. Many people complain that sugar makes their symptoms worse. I find that really interesting. Do you try to avoid sugar now? I can see how a shower might help, Is a bath equally effective? Thanks for sharing what helps. Warmly, Lori (Team Member)

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