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Monitoring RLS events

I was wondering g whether there was a way of monitoring RLS/PLMD without full polysomnography.

I have sleep apnea as well, and am able to track eve ts very accurately via the SD card in my CPAP machine and some freely available software.

Are there any devices on the market for measuring RLS events per hour?

  1. Hey,
    I'm taking a peek online and it looks like there really isn't an at-home monitoring device for RLS and PLMD. I think it has to do with how RLS is diagnosed and that a Polysomnography has many components to it.

    🥄🦄 Ray (Team member)

    1. , I’m not aware of anything but my restless legs is currently controlled so I haven’t been looking. Maybe someone else has experience with this and will respond. If not, check in with your doctor. They may be able to lead you to a good product and may have some patient experience to draw from.

      1. Hi and thanks for your message. I Halwill do some more googling. I suspect there is no easily affordable solution for the home user but will keep looking.

      2. , I look forward to hearing what you find. If you try any, share with us your findings. It could help someone like you!

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