I suffered for so many years with zero treatments. I didn't know about lifestyle changes - although I instinctively stretched and went in search of cold packs. About 12-15 years ago I first spoke to my doctor (up until then I just thought I was weird) and they put me on diazepam. It kind of worked a little bit but not much. I was able to sleep an hour or so here and there. Then sifrol (pramipexole) became available in australia and it was a miracle for me. It was like God descended from the heavens and blessed me. Pramipexole is an anti-parkinson's drug and I'm on a super low dose. It's brilliant. After about six years I had issues with augmentation and was moved over to lyrica (pregabalin) instead. It's an anti epileptic and it also worked well. But not as well as sifrol. As things over the course of a year started to get a little worse, and the nerve pain in my legs started, I was put back on sifrol as well as lyrica and since then I've had both. My RLS is really well controlled now. I still jiggle a bit but there's no pain or discomfort. I love my meds! I've reduced both to the lowest effective dose. And being on low doses means there's room for movement if I ever have any more issues.