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Was your RLS misdiagnosed as something else first?

If so, what was it misdiagnosed as and how did you finally get a diagnosis of RLS?

  1. I read that and most of it talks about at night, bedtime, etc. What about those of us that get it during the day? Or anytime we sit down??

    1. Hi there. RLS is often considered a sleep disorder because many people who are diagnosed struggle while trying to calm down or sleep; however, while being involved with this community, it is apparent that most people living with RLS have to manage involuntary movement, pains, and various types of sensations throughout most of their day and during different types of activities. Some of our health lead

  2. Not really. I ignored it because I have fibromyalgia and with it I get some insane paresthesia in my legs. So... sort of assumed it was that. Then I went on a slow release painkiller and the more aggressive symptoms (the RLS) went away while I was on that--- and then came back with insane intensity years later when I went off of it. At that time my neurologist told me it was RLS. Which I really didn't think it was because it was so painful and had moved to my arms and torso by then.

    1. Thank you very much @Ray

      1. Technically, it wasn't a misdiagnosis per se, my mom thought I had growing pains. It wasn't until I had a sleep study done last year for an unrelated issue that I got the official RLS diagnosis.

        🥄🦄 Ray (Team member)

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