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Why will my Doctor not discuss RLS with me

My name is William Henry I have RLS for over forty years My mother has had RLS for a very long time. I live in the UK
My Doctor won't discuss RLS with me I know I have RLS because there is a family history of RLS
My mother was only diagnosed with RLS approximately a year before she died of Lymphodemia
I belong to Health Unlocked and RLS-UK
I would love to start a conversation about why Doctors in the NHS won't discuss RLS

  1. I've tried a lot of medication but not suited me had bad effects to them. I've got appointment on 9th September at musialsketal team about my legs hopefully get some answers .I hope your well .

    1. Hi . I hope your appointment goes well and that you find something that is effective for you. Keep us posted if you don't mind. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. You must be horribly frustrated, William (). I wish I knew more about the UK healthcare system and why they are so unresponsive, but maybe others here are more familiar with it. Have you tried any alternative treatments for your RLS? Here is an article about lifestyle changes that can help: Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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