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After 29 years, Trazodone caused RLS

For years I’ve taken trazodone plus other combinations of vitamins and minerals …nothing was working. I would stay awake all night with RLS or legs that just ached so badly I couldn’t sleep. In fact, I was eating compulsively at night gaining 6 pounds in a week.

I tried something new two nights ago which I had read about in a RLS article. No RLS and short periods of deep sleep.

2 hrs before bed. 2 Pramipexole. I mg. 2

Right before bed
2 magnesium glycinate 490 mg
2 melatonin 3 mg
1. 5 HTP

For the first time in years, I drifted off to sleep. When I awoke to pee, I had no compulsive desire for food. My legs did not wake me once.
This has been a major break through for me.

For the first time in 20 years, I did not take trazodone, which used to put me asleep but now only made me eat everything in the house

  1. How awesome, ! That is definitely something to celebrate. I keep hearing good things about magnesium glycinate. It sounds like you have hit on a great combination of supplements. That must feel good. Thanks for sharing what helps with the community. What is effective for one person does not always help another, but it's often worth a try. I hope you continue to sleep well for a long time to come. Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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