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I am looking for tips

I have Peripheral Neuropathy small fibre and awake at night with restless legs and severe cramps to the extent of becoming suicidal by morning Doctors alternative health care providers haven’t made a difference. I take Gabapentin Melatonin and tried a smorgasbord of drugs from GP that didn’t work or had severe side affects I am 83 years old . Just wondering if anyone on this panel has Peripheral Neuropathy 🙏

  1. I too have both RLS and PN, as did my mother. I haven't found any doctors that seem to care one way or the other. They prescribed amitriptyline, gabapentin, tizantidine and pramipexole. It helps some. I stopped the amitriptyline though. The gabapentin seems to help with the buzzing, burning and needles sensation, but the RLS can start as early as 3 pm. A neurologist diagnosed me, but I'm pretty much on my own.

    1. Thanks, Lori. I know I am fortunate to continue to make progress but when the bad days hit, it really brings out my depression and sense of hopelessness. I try to be as positive as I can by remembering the long journey to better treatment for migraine. I do think that sites like this one and the recognition of RLS and PN in the medical field are significantly better than they were even five years ago. The emotional and mental support from this group has already improved my outlook on this bumpy ride. BarnGir1

    2. That warms my heart, . Please know we are always here for you, on the good days and the not so good one. Warmly, Lori (Team Member)

  2. 🙏for comforting and helpful advice Have seen neurologist multiple times for PN and he did EMG and prescribed strong drugs that made me nauseous and I felt worse My GP and Dr Google ( where I found this Forum) was more helpful Also in Australia we are having a major shortage of doctors and have to book weeks ahead.

    1. Hi . How frustrating for you. Too often, the side effects of medications are worse than the initial health condition. Is surgery an option for your peripheral neuropathy? I hope the health care situation improves quickly in Australia. You need and deserve treatment. I am so glad you found this community. You are definitely not alone here and, sometimes, it's good just to know that. Please know that we are here for you whenever you need support or simply a safe space to vent. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

  3. Thank you for your kind words 🙏

    1. I am glad to learn of someone else who seems to have both RLS and PN. It has been frustrating to try to find out more about how to treat both at the same time because what helps one issue may cause a negative reaction for the other condition. Thanks to Lori and SwamiA. Barn Girl 8/3/2023

      1. BarnGir1, I have found that pickles and pickle juice sometimes helps me a great deal.

      2. Thank you! I was told that pickles also help reduce acid reflux but had not thought about that in a long time. I need to try that for reflux anyway! I will be receiving instructions to conduct a sleep study at home. I will keep you and Lori posted.

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