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RLS rant

I started getting RLS around 13 years ago. At worst, I'd get on my bicycle at 3am and ride. It never kept me up the whole night. I was taking Mirapex for it at the time.
The past 10 years I'd get a few bouts of RLS a year, very mild.
Two weeks ago RLS arrived in full force. For days I would be pacing my apt. No sleep. I'd watch the clock until 3am. Time to get ready for work. Twice driving to work, almost hit a tree and run up on a sidewalk. After doing this for a few days, I was losing steam, thinking I'm either gonna go crazy or collapse. I called my sleep doc, he can't see me until Dec. 18.
What caused this, according to my psychiatrist is, at the time I was on Adderall for hypersomnia and Abilify for depression. Well, there's a shortage of Adderall, so , I just ran out. I had stopped taking Abilify.
She was able to prescribe Gabapentin for the RLS, (2 DAYS AGO). 300mg, took 4. What a relief. This event scared the shit out of me. I didn't know how long I was able to skip sleep. I'm 58, no way I would have lasted too much longer. It's hard to think right when you're in panic mode...

  1. I totally sympathize.. I didn’t know adderall is proscribed for rls

    1. I can totally relate to staying up all night a few days in a row with RLS . I started feeling like I may need to go to the hospital or psych ward somewhere. Glad you didn't wreck.

      1. I hope you find something that is effective long-term with no negative side effects, . Does Gabapentin alone work for you? - Lori (Team Member)

      2. not yet

    2. Wow. That must have been scary, . Thank goodness your psychiatrist knew what was going on and was willing to treat you. Did your sleep specialist really think you could wait until Dec. 18? Have you considered finding someone new or maybe seeing a neurologist who specializes in RLS? I hope Gabapentin helps and that you are able to get more Adderall soon. I keep hearing that the supply issues are improving, but there are still so many people who can't get it. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

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