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What kind of sensations do you get during leg attacks

My restlessness tends to start from the the calf areas of my legs, just below the calf, I would say I can feel my calf muscle and surrounding leg muscles twitching and vibrating within the muscle itself. Electrical impulses within the muscle. Sometimes I can watch and the muscle reverberates

  1. If I have a pain area on a leg its the target area for RLS. It feels like someone has attached a charger to my leg and they gradually turn the knob until the electric shock becomes unbearable and forces my leg to jolt before I am forced to my feet. The sensation can jump from one leg to another within an hour and is never in both legs at one time.

    1. Wow, that's wild that you can sometimes see the muscle reverberate. I experience something kind of similar to what you described.

      My RLS starts at that location too but feels like it's tightening until the whole muscle is clenched. Then it relaxes and once it's fully relaxed it starts to tighten back up again. This continues and increases in frequency and starts to become painful. That's when the electrical impulses, you also experience, kick in. After a couple more minutes the urge to move my legs starts to increase until it feels like I will go mad if I don't move them.

      🥄🦄 Ray (Team member)

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