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Its increasing so much help please !

My Rls started at the age of twelve after an accident I had on my jaw and neck.
Broke some teeth and I’m inured my jaw joints and cervical.
This was followed by one year of intense headache, bruxism (lasted for 15years) and intense Rls symptoms.
I just couldn’t sleep for days, weeks sometimes until I found cannabis which have been saving my night until now.

I’m now on the end of my 28th year and cannabis isn’t as effiscient as before..

I just had a new type of therapy where they uses lasers to disable synapses through the ear pavillon.
This regulated my dopaminergic system in a minute but the Rls still has présent as before I went back to smoking cannabis.
It seems to me that the Rls symptoms are now worst than before.
Cannabis don’t seem to help anymore…
Which I leaving me with huge Rls all the time, when I’m walking, even when running, they just appear at anytime !

I manage to calm this through my breath, by breathing all the way down to my pelvic area.

But this is really becoming hard to live with. I barely sleep 4 to 5 hours a night and didn’t had this resting feeling after waking up for the last 16 years now.

I’ve been doing my own researches and have some relief from avoiding foods like gluten, paprika, industrial sugar or salt, soya sauce.
The breath also allows better management of this sparkling energy running through my legs.
But this demands so much focused that I can barely keep it when doing anything else.
I believe that this condition comes from past traumas, the accident awaken this potential in my dna. It’s a mind body connection issue but I can’t seem to touch the problem on the right spot yet..

The tensions is mainly coming from my thighs and hips. Which I know can be liked to some sexual traumas.
I don’t think that this have been the case for me but my grand mother had definitely suffered from such assault.
Traumas passes from generations to generations until uncovered and healed.
This seems to become just stronger and stronger over time…
I’m a little worried about my life’s quality when I’ll be 40 and after if this keeps on increasing…

Does anyone have a concret and effective solution to Rls ??
Has anyone ever totally cured himself from this condition??

Thanks !

  1. I have had RLS for many years. I am 61 and broke my hip in a fall 4 months ago. Rls at night made an already traumatic injury unbearable as it would send my hip into an agony of spasms.
    During the summer I was told that keeping the legs cool would help so I bought a dog cooling mat to sleep on. To cut to the chase I ended up sleeping under a sheet with the dog mat on top. I then realised that it was weight that helped. My Rls stopped immediately and when it starts in my arms I simply tucked them underneath the mat and they are fine.
    I have since bought a weighted blanket for the winter and again it is working.

    1. What a great discovery, ! It must have been horrible to suffer from RLS while recovering from a broken hip. Thank goodness you found a solution. Thanks for joining the conversation and sharing what helps. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. I had severe RLS nightly, I was only getting roughly 3-5 hours of sleep a day. After I cut out Red dye 40, (it's in a lot of food) my RLS symptoms almost immediately went away. I no longer consume caffeine or dyes and I sleep much, much better, my RLS is completely manageable now. Give it a shot.

    1. I replied to a similar comment of yours elsewhere, but this is such wonderful news that I wanted to reply here as well. I am thrilled that you found an alternative way of managing your RLS. Red dye 40 has been under so much scrutiny over the years. It was smart of you to eliminate it. Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

  3. Hi . Welcome to the community. I am glad you found us. Though RLS is thought to be an autoimmune disease, one member here recently reported that surgery to repair arthritic damage to his lower spine cured his RLS. Since your symptoms appeared immediately after your accident, it might be worth seeing a neuroligist who specializes in the spine to determine whether there is a connection. Do you have a doctor who helps you manage your RLS? Here is an article about treatments for RLS that might interest you: You'll see there are some prescription medications that can ease symptoms. I hope this helps and that you get some relief. Keep me posted if you don't mind. I will be thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. I am glad you found this site. My RLS is nothing as severe as yours sounds, but I recently had a bad episode, went looking for support and found this site. There are lots of good resources and Lori is a great support. I am 74 and have had RLS since I was a teenager. It did not bother me until about five years ago. I have tried many things, finding that some work, some work for a while then stop working, but it has never gone away completely. I was diagnosed with low iron anemia which made my RLS worse so I had 3 iron infusions which calmed it down until 6 months ago. Since then, I have found that over the counter meds for nausea and prescription meds for cholestrol and depression make my RLS worse. I can no longer take decongestants or antihistimines because they give me a terrible RLS reaction. I have worked with my doctor to reduce or change meds for these conditions and it has helped. I have also changed my diet after finding out sugar and coffee caused RLS episodes. At bedtime, I now take magnesium and iron supplements and a low dose of a prescription med which helps. I hope you are able to find a good neurologist who can help you deal with your RLS. It has made me feel hopeless at times but support from doctors and this site have been important in continuing to find the puzzle pieces that will bring relief. Don't give up. Good luck. BarnGir1

    2. Hi . I hope you get some answers and that you are finally able to relax. Know that we are here for you whenever you need support or a place to vent. Gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

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