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Vaccinations and RLS

I am interested in any insight regarding vaccinations causing RLS episodes. I typically get my flu shot in September but this year I am starting with RSV. I will also get the newest COVID booster. I usually have at least one night and sometimes an additional day after each shot (no matter which kind) that I feel like I have the flu. One pharmacist recommended that as a senior with a compromised immune system I should wait at least 2 weeks between them. Since my RLS has been flaring for several months now I am trying to be prepared for what might happen. Any insight appreciated! BarnGir1

  1. Lori, Thanks for the sound advice. I had not thought about activities prior to shots or OTC anti-inflammatory meds. BarnGir1

    1. Hi . Unfortunately, any inflammation will likely aggravate your RLS. Since vaccines work by creating an immune response, which leads to inflammation, it's not suprising that your RLS worsens when you get the shots. Your pharmacist gave you some good advice. If you space them out, you won't have inflammation on top of inflammation. Studies also show that vaccines are more effective if you get a good night's sleep the night before. So resting up before your vaccines might at least make it all more worthwhile. I hope others chime in here with some advice for dealing with the heightened RLS symptoms in the aftermath of the vaccines. Have you talked with your doctor about it at all? I wonder whether over-the-counter anti-inflammatories might help. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

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