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What is the best medicine

My stepfather has restless legs and very bad to the point he hits himself with a hammer. What is the best medicine out there for him to take?

  1. Hi. How is your father-in-law? Has he had a chance to check in with his doctor this month? We're genuinely concerned for his health and want to support you both ... I hope he's been able to find some new options to manage his symptoms. Thinking of you. -Melissa, RLS team

    1. still bad. thanks for your time.

    2. I am sorry to hear that he has yet to find any relief, . Has your stepfather talked with his doctor or explored any alternative treatments? For some people, the pain and the lack of sleep can become so overwhelming that they give up on finding treatment. I hope you are able to inspire him to keep advocating for himself and to keep pushing for help. Warm wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. Respectfully, I don't believe that eliminating yellow dye from your diet is going to help the average person. This is a real thing...maybe it worked for you, and that's great. But I feel with that Comment you are giving false hope and having them grasping at straws...and sometimes that's what we do...we will try anything when it's bad...I just don't think putting down my twinkie is the right answer. Best-

    1. Sorry, additionally..if your diet is SO saturated with yellow5 ,that getting "off" of it is helping your RLS. Then it would seem RLS is the least of your health concerns.

    2. Hi This is what I mentioned a few minutes ago in another thread. Different things can help different people. Surprising things. Chances are that eliminating certain food dyes won't help you or many others, but it apparently has relieved symptoms for this person. Maybe this member had an intolerance or allergy they were unaware of that caused inflammation and irritated the nerves. I am not a medical expert. That is just a guess. For someone with an allergy, it wouldn't take much to trigger a reaction and these dyes are everywhere, even in foods we might consider harmless or healthy. Another member tried all kinds of medication, and then had lower back surgery for a supposedly unrelated condition. After the surgery, his RLS symptoms were gone. Yet a third member found that pain-point massage relieves his symptoms as they occur. This is why we encourage people to share what helped them. You never know. So we need to be respectful when others share. As long as they are not giving medical advice or repeatedly posting the same thing to the point of harassment, they are contributing in their own ways. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

  3. How is his diet? Does he consume a lot of synthetic dyes such as red dye 40 or yellow -5? After a few weeks of cutting dyes out of my diet, I was able to sleep again and my RLS became completely manageable.

    1. Oh, gosh, . He must be desperate for relief. There are plenty of medications he can try. Here is an article that discusses them: I hope this helps and that he can eventually put that hammer away for good. Best of all wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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