Restless Leg Cure?I have had RLS for years. It was tolerable until about 4-5 years ago when it went from just nighttime to during the day. I would have never done it...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesAlternative Treatments
Medical marijuanaMy daughter thinks I should get a card and try the medical marijuana. She says it would help my RLS as well as the pain I suffer with daily. Has...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesCopingAlternative TreatmentsMedical Marijuana
What works for my RLSI've had it for about ten years I'm a 72 year old man with COPD. So about 5 years ago while In hospital for COPD, I learnt about potassium and...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAlternative TreatmentsDiet & Nutrition
Restless legsI am eighty years old, had restless legs since I was 10. I would tell Mom I had crazy legs, called this name till I was told I had RLS...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAlternative Treatments
Relax Is there any relief for restless legs...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesCopingAlternative Treatments
KratomI’ve found help by taking red vine Kratom for restless leg issues...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAlternative Treatments
I have literally cured my RLS for about 97%I have had RLS for over 60 years and finally figured things out. I have not eaten any DAIRY now for several months. I drink Almond milk, do not eat...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesTreatmentAlternative Treatments
Discovered a new treatment for my restless leg syndromeI have found that using my prescription strength Lidocaine patches on my outer thighs of my leg an hour before going to bed will eliminate my restless legs been doing...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesAlternative Treatments
Are there any alternative treatments for RLS that have worked for you?Reactions0reactionsComments41 repliesAlternative Treatments
My resolution for RLS.This was an accidental find. I started taking "Topffy Neuropathy" available at Amazon. I was surprised by the results but I haven't had any more RLS problems. It might not...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAlternative Treatments