RLS using compression stockings, massage rollers, compression machines.Has anyone has any relief from the above or other?...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatmentTips & AdviceCoping
Hot tub is a game changer.I could not survive my severe RLS without my hot tub. Because of my artificial knee, I have trouble with the bathtub, but I can just step into my hot...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesMental HealthAlternative TreatmentsCoping
Advise I have suffered with RSL for 8 years since my first pregnancy, it has always been a nuisance in the evening but I could live with it. Recently though my...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSide EffectsPrescription Medication
Chronic RLSHello. I'm 67 years old and have been suffering with RLS for about 20 years. I've tried all the prescription meds, including Requip, Pramipexole, Gabapentin, the patch, etc. None have...Reactions0reactionsComments15 replies
HOW RLS REALLY AFFECTED YOUR LIFE,A GIRL WITH A STORY There's a girl with a story, That should not be ignored, Its way too important, It has to be told. As a child she got...Reactions0reactionsComments4 replies
RLS TreatmentAfter fifty years and many doctors 2 months ago I asked my new doctor about RLS he immediately responded with a prescription for pregabalin, this was a life changer, previously...Reactions0reactionsComments12 replies
How would you describe your relationship with sleep?Is your relationship with sleep good, complicated, or non-existent? What have you tried to improve your relationship with sleep? Do you have any tips that you would like to share?...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesTips & Advice
Family Members with RLSDo you have other family members who also have RLS and does it seem to run in your family?...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesFriends & Family
Are there things about RLS that you want to know more about?What are some things about restless legs syndrome (RLS) that you would like to learn more about? Are there topics you wish more people would talk about? Where do you...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesAwarenessResearch & Clinical TrialsTips & Advice
RLSNeurologist stopped my pramipexole. Started 75 mg pregabalin and.5mg HCLRopinirole. Both before bed. My symptoms were worse. Slept a total of 4 hrs over last two nights. It's Saturdawhich means...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesCoping